We have developed a powerful visualization, exploration, and data analysis platform. We combined years of experience and operational knowledge with innovative Big Data tools, and our main goal is to break the traditional way in which the entire ecosystem analyses data.
Therefore, Deep is unique.
Integrity, transparency and ethics.
Honesty must be at the heart of all our actions. Respect for the laws and legal systems of all countries is a fundamental principle for us at Deep. We respect the personal dignity, privacy and individual rights of each one. Our reputation is determined by our actions and by the way each employee in the company behaves and act. Fair competition allows the free evolution of markets - with the corresponding social benefits - based on the quality and price of our innovative products, and not by offering undue benefits to third parties.
Sim, sou cliente Deep.CONTATOS PARA SUPORTE TÉCNICO: Tel: (11) 4280-5000 - Opção 5 E-mail: helpdesk@deep.com.br TRI (Time de Resposta a Incidentes): __________________________ Engenharia de Dados Tel: (11) 4280-5000 - Opção 4 __________________________ Projetos e Processos Tel: (11) 4280-5000 - Opção 3 __________________________ Relacionamento Comercial Tel: (11) 4280-5000 - Opção 1
Não, ainda não sou cliente.CONTATOS PARA DÚVIDAS E AQUISIÇÃO DE SERVIÇOS: Telefone: (11) 4280-5000 E-mail: contato@deep.com.br
Our Code of Conduct
Deep specifies to its suppliers and business partners a compliance code of conduct based on the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact. It covers compliance with general compliance laws and rules and our anti-corruption, anti-competitive practices and conflicts of interest policies, including issues of secrecy, privacy and information security.
Our Ethics and Compliance program is based on the highest ethical standards committed to laws and domestic policy, preventing, detecting, reporting, and resolving alleged misconduct, acting in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
To achieve our goals, we have the full support of senior management, regular assessments, periodic risk assessments, code of conduct, information security policies, internal procedures, ongoing training and communications, audits, monitoring and feedback.
These procedures apply not only to employees, but also to all providers and third parties who perform services on behalf of the Deep.
Bad conduct,
how to report?
Complaints help ensure that misconduct is thoroughly investigated and clarified. This channel allows internal and external whistleblowers to inform us of possible breaches of compliance in complete safety.
The report can be sent anonymously, if desired.
Just use the fields and resources available.
With headquarters in São Paulo, Deep is the first to combine big data technology with customer support and collection skills to perform information management and support these segments in their decision-making processes.
Our solutions go from the presentation of monitoring and diagnosis to the development of analytical and predictive models.
Reaso for being:
For a world where anyone can make data-driven decisions.
“We work to create a world where there will be decision support solutions for any type of company. Our goal is to be a respected Business Analytics company worldwide. By creating innovations in business intelligence technology, we will help people make better decisions.”
“To enable improvement in the decision-making process through technologie and a high-level personel.”.
- Collaboration
- Rebellion (discontent with the traditional and linear)
- Honesty
- Growth and profitability
- Customer in focus
- Respect for human beings in their individuality
- Quick responses to changes
- Agile development